Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016

Wow don´t know what is going on but my photos are not showing up here. Sorry, another week without photos. I promise I still exist! 

This was a great week, we were able to work hard and meet some goals but we also had some setbacks. 

I think it is true that things are just kind of normal for me now so I can´t really think of fun little things to tell you all. Just day to day missionary stuff, which is super fun and never gets routine but it would probably bore you.

For service this week we went and painted a house so that was fun. We also made tres leches cake and it was delicious! I will have to teach you all how to make it when I get back. 

We have also inadvertently been in on all the Copa America action. Everyone is in shock after the win yesterday and excited. My pensionista is hopeful we will beat Colombia but I think we are getting ahead of ourselves. Just happy for the win.

Today we are in a cold snap and I had to put my sweater on! 77º! Freezing!!!

We had an interesting experience this week. We have an investigator named Edwin who has been attending for almost two months and finally accepted baptism. He had his interview on Sunday and we verified in church in the morning that he was going to come. He was so excited and said he would beat us there. We got there in the afternoon for his interview and he wasn´t there. We were worried so we called him and he told us he couldn´t go because he was drunk. It was heartbreaking. He had had so many positive steps that it was so hard to see him fall again. I felt awful and just was worried for him all day. It is so hard to see people come so close and then fall again but all I have been thinking about is the talk from Elder Haynie from the October conference. We are not lost causes! He will never turn away from us. He will never say "you again?" We can always repent! I know that Edwin has a ways to go to be able to leave his addiction but I know that through the grace of God it is possible. I know that God loves us! I know He was even more worried than I was for Edwin and I know He is watching over him. We will see what happens

We had fast and testimony meeting yesterday and it was great. It is a mission rule that we have to bear our testimony every month and I don´t know why it makes me so nervous but it does. My heart pounds and I always go last. Yesterday I was last again and all that came to my heart was that God loves us! So much! How wonderful it is to know that! I know He lives and that He loves us! 

I have also been reading a story from the Liahona. It is a story from President Faust about a childhood lamb he had. It is from the talk responsibilities of shepherds from the April 1995 conference. That story has really touched my heart and I hope to be a good shepherd with all that the Lord has bestowed upon me. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Hermana Fitz

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