Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016

Wow! What a week you have had! I am so glad that you were able to find a car and I know that the Lord`s hand was in that for sure. 

Hope you were able to relax just a little bit for your bday mom! 

This week was pretty great. Changes were last Monday and I am staying in Tarapoto with Hna Velasquez. She was really nervous that night that she would have changes and was pacing the house waiting for the call but it never came. It was actually pretty odd because only one person in the zone had changes and the entire mission basically stayed the same. 

- eating cremoladas with the family/district. Love that we are almost all sisters

 We were able to really start the change out with a good week and had some fun too. I love this area and I have really gotten to know the members so it will be hard to leave when that time comes.

- love this family lots. They are good people

 - two little loves Chantalle and Ingrid

- prank calling Chiky

-We were walking past a house this week with our pensionista and I looked in the open doorway and there was a dead pig hanging there cut open. It was straight out of a horror movie and it scared me so bad. 
-I am gaining weight like crazy and my pensionista has started calling me piernotas because of my big legs. Nightmare! 
-Saw a momma duck and her ducklings this week and ran after one and picked it up. Ducklings are so soft! Pics coming soon because this computer is not my friend

- these are the ducks here! Weird amiright? 
Also rip umbrella don`t know where it is and am really sad about it

-My bangs are growing super rapidly and I think I already have to trim them
-Learned how to start a motokar after weeks of trying. The motokaristas do it super fast and easily but I almost killed myself with that thing! But, I succeeded
-Also learned I cannot fit our cellphone in my mouth. Tried it but I don`t really have that big of a mouth.
-We are going to make shirts as a zone and I got to do the designs! We are going to talk about which one people want today.
-The dog in our house does not let us go out and run in the morning. She jumps all over us and I think it`s causing dogs around the city to follow us. It has me a little nervous because it is not uncommon to get bit but what can ya do?
-Woke up a little sick today and didn`t really sleep last night. Probably parasites again
-did divisions and my comp told me they went and visited a less active who has a three year old son who doesn`t know how to talk yet but he was looking for me and said Patrick! How cute is that?

Another week in paradise and I think I am running out of things to say! Isn`t that a first? I am happy, I know the Savior lives and loves us. I put the Living Christ in my shower and am memorizing it in Spanish and I am halfway. I love those words and I know HE LIVES.

Love you lots and I promise more pics soon

Hermana Piernotas Fitzpatrick

OHHH also yesterday was the second run on voting in the presidential election here so we didn`t have church again and worked in the morning! I just want to go to church! 

Also new experiences, I had the pleasure of throwing up in a bucket while on the toilet with diarrhea last night so new lows here in Tarapoto. But I am feeling a lot better now

Alsoooo we got a letter from my new president, President Li. Pretty crazy but he gets here in just a couple weeks

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